Flyers Web Site
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Joe Yates' Coach's Corner column talks about the recovery process which he points out must be an integral part of any successful marathon plan.

Coach's Corner: Joe Yates

FootNotes is a little sparse this month. We think everyone was too busy training for the marathon to get engaged or married. Hmmm. and Advice from Papa Bear remains topical with advice on — guess what? — the marathon and recovering from same.

Advice from Papa Bear

Lastly, Brian Mayor, Club Treasurer, takes his turn as the voice of the executive board. And he's not talking about the club treasury (yes, we're comfortably solvent) but the ______(you fill in the blank). And even your's truly, The Editor, has managed to get a marathon angle into his contribution.

Treasurer's Message
From the Editor

The New York City Marathon
With the publication of this issue, Fall is here at last (temperaturs were in the 30s this morning) and the foliage in Central Park is magnificent. And Fall means it's marathon time. Most of the articles in this issue are oriented around that race and I hope everyone enjoyed running it, volunteering, or just plain watching it.
The Marathon Pasta dinner at Sambuca's had a lot of good food and high excitement, as well as some serious inspiration as Matt Long told his story to the group. After the meal, I talked to a number of the Flyers who were there. Their hopes and expectations for the marathon follow in this report.

The Marathon Part 1: Hopes and Expectations

Sunday dawned as a clear and sunny, but chilly and windy day. It was a long day for many of us with the runners making their way down to the Ferry in the early hours and the volunteers standing and stomping their feet hoping the sun would move out from behind that building.

The Marathon Part 2: The Race

Yes, it was a long day out on the marathon course, but then came the celebration. The best comment I heard was from a Flyer who had just set a PR, "I spent a lot more time at The Parlour last night than on the course!" — and he wasn't complaining!

The Marathon Part 3: The Party

Feature Article
Scott Cohen's final segment on "The Making of a Trathlete", ironically, has very real relevance to the goal of completing a successful marathon (for which each of us must define "success"). So if your marathon didn't turn out the way you had hoped it would, this article may give you some ideas for next time.

The Path of Least Resistance

Flyers Blog
Check the latest happenings on the NY Flyers blog.
Member Profiles
In this section, we learn a little bit more about some of our members. This month we feature Ray Sales, who is so busy and interesting that you just cannot keep up with him, both figuratively and literally.

Focus on Ray Sales

And in case you missed it, we published a member profile for October — Julie White — between the last newsletter and this one. Check it out.

October: Focus on Julie White