ello all. September is back-to-school month for kids, and for runners, it's back-to-serious-training month. For those aiming for New York or other fall marathons, it's probably "Help! There's only 2 months to go" month. The summer was as hot as I can recall, so many of us are behind in our goals. But even a few really nice days like we've had this week can cheer us up. So let's all get to work.

I had a nice chat with Toby Tanser a few weeks back and he gives some valuable advice in his column about coming back from a tough period and about marathon preparation in general. Whether you attend speedwork sessions or not, it's worth a read.

Francine's FootNotes column brings us up to date with who has recently gotten married or engaged and the news of some brand new future Flyers while Anne's Healthy Eating column gives some simple recipes, ideal if you are a beginner cook. And Member at Large Emily takes the microphone for this month's message from the Executive Board.

Our "Beyond Central Park" correspondents called in from way beyond the park, as in Utah, and Nepal. Their stories make me want to get out and go somewhere.

I look forward to the member profiles that come out every month. Without exception, I learn more than I ever thought possible about some of our running friends. This is especially true this month, where DJ van Hoogstraten recounts his upbringing in Holland and his breakthroughs in running. If you read Dutch, you can read his new book De rennende Hollander ("The Running Dutchman") due out next month. You may well be in it!

Lastly, I have written a piece about Central Park and New York City history and how they are connected. It may not give you answers to questions you always wondered about, but it might just spark an interest in things historical and how our city and our park got to be the way they are today.

As always, I welcome any feedback you may have, and I especially welcome any contributions you may care to write for the Newsletter.

Till next time,
aka Papa Bear