Flyers Web Site
Be sure to visit the NY Flyers award winning web site.
With the publication of this issue, we really hope that Summer is gone! This has been the toughest summer in memory and it has not helped marathon training or just plain running at all. The Coach's Corner column will talk about training for a Fall Marathon. I especially recommend Toby's excellent video near the end of his column on race day preparation.

FootNotes chronicles a plethora of weddings and babies, Healthy Eating gives a couple of simple but nutritious recipes especially for beginner cooks, and Advice from Papa Bear remains topical.

Lastly, Emily Snyder, Member-at-Large, takes her turn as the voice of the executive board. By year's end we hope to hear from every member of the board.

Member-at-Large's Message
From the Editor
Healthy Eating
Coach's Corner: Toby Tanser
Advice from Papa Bear
The Park and the City
A  look at Central Park as a preserver of the history of New York City, going back the War of Independence. The park holds and preserves bits and pieces of history, often hidden from the casual observer.
Central Park as a Preserver of History
Beyond Central Park
In this issue we move way beyond Central Park. And I mean way, way beyond. Susan Snyder, just back from a road trip to the Continental Divide in the Rockies, tells of the serene silence of running in the Moab desert lands of Utah, and Melissa Chase recounts her trek though the villages and mountains of Nepal, to which she traveled in June.
Running in the Moab Desert — Listening to the Silence
Trekking through Nepal
Flyers Blog
Check the latest happenings on the NY Flyers blog.
Member Profiles
In this section, we learn a little bit more about some of our members. In this issue we feature Diederik "DJ" van Hoogstraten, a new Flyer from Holland, who has become a phenom on the roads and has earned the moniker "The Running Dutchman".
Focus on Diederik "DJ" van Hoogstraten
And in case you missed it, we published a member profile for August — Sara and Gary Heard — between the last newsletter and this one. Check it out.
August: Sara & Gary Heard