une 5, 2010 — Andreas Werder and Karen Harris were married . . . Petya Ivanova, for many years an enthusiastic and speedy Flyer, is engaged! Petya transferred to the Paris office of AXA a few years ago. She will marry a coworker, Gaël Dugelay, in Paris in June 24, 2011. A reception will follow in Petya’s native Bulgaria.
Several Flyers are about to become first or second-time parents. Look for baby announcements and photos in the next edition of Footnotes!
eteran runner Joe Jones ran the Father’s Day races with not one, but BOTH of his sons! Daniel Jones, age 24, paced his dad to a PR. Meanwhile Liam Jones, age 6, tore up the asphalt in the Kid’s Races . . . Jim Sias has registered a Ragnar Relay team for the coveted Wasatch course in Utah for next June. The 12-person Ragnar team will run 188 miles from Logan, Utah to Park City, Utah… Betsy Fader enjoyed a stint at Fireman Ironman Tri Camp at Lake Placid, in preparation for the Lake Placid Ironman . . . Moira Duclos took advantage of a pause between two jobs to go to Surf Camp! Moira followed her ocean adventure with a Backroads trip to Yellowstone…Scott Cohen and Elle Green spent 10 days in South Africa, Scott ran the daunting Comrades Marathon (actually, more than a double marathon at 56 miles). After the race, Scott and Elle celebrated her birthday on safari . . . Mike Creasy and his brother-in-law watched the World Cup live in South Africa . . . Amy Mills and Whit Gregg celebrated their 10th anniversary by running a marathon in, yes, South Africa . . . Michelle Hill and Paolo Tartamello are off to Sicily, where they own an apartment. Michelle will teach yoga on the beach, Paolo will catch up with his parents, and the kids will frolic in the waves with their cousins . . . Melissa Chase is just back from Nepal where she enjoyed a trekking vacation.
elcome back Tiffany Burke, returning to NYC from Brussels . . . Eric Stadnyk is leaving New York for Canada . . . Chris Bateman is leaving Italy for Kabul . . . Amy Stern is now a Senior VP with Signet Star Re in Greenwich. Amy may start commuting by bike to prepare for an upcoming backroads trip to Glacier National Park . . . Gary Heard’s retirement didn’t last long: he’s now developing business for Synapse Services, a wholesale specialty environmental insurance broker.