his column takes a look at the year through a runner's eyes and legs. Sometimes whimsical, sometimes serious, and I hope always entertaining. Originally published monthly in the Newsletter in 2000, they have been updated to fit the races and seasons for this year. This issue will cover the two months, April and May. [ Disclaimer: I have no pretentions of being an expert at anything, but I've certainly been around the block a time or two.]

Advice from Papa Bear
June: Bathrooms

Papa Bear says:

If the race starts in 15 minutes and the port-o-san line is 20 minutes long, what to do? GO SOUTH about a half-mile, past Cleopatra's Needle to the traffic light at the top of Cat Hill; turn right on the maintenance road at the light. Bathrooms are in the maintenance building about 100 feet in from the road.

Or WEST across the fields (north of the Reservoir) to the Field House. Ladies on the left, men on the right. Also a good place to change.

I have always found these facilities clean and safe. Besides you get a nice extra pre-race warm-up.

July: Hot Weather Hydration

Papa Bear says:

Now that the weather is hot and humid and we must increase those long runs, here's a trick to stay cool and well hydrated. Take a half-full quart container of Gatorade (or your favorite sports drink) and put it on its side in your freezer the night before your long run. In the morning it will be frozen. Fill the empty space with cold water and put it in a plastic bag. Hide it in the park where you will pass by every loop. Each time around take a drink — more and more of the liquid will be melted. It should stay cold for at least 3 loops.