he awards presentations are the heart and soul of the Awards Dinner. We celebrated the accomplishments — on the roads and trails, behind the scenes working, volunteering, you name it — that make the New York Flyers a better club.

If you scroll down and hit the "Play >" button, the presentation will get going. he slide show is based on the presentation prepared by Richard Brounstein with narrations by the MCs Fran Obeid and Jordan George, and with special citations by Coach Toby and Jo Ann Mannino presented for their respective awards. Interspersed are photos taken on the spot that night by Bob Cowin. So sit back, hit the "Play >" button, and enjoy!

t  should be noted, none of this could have happened without the work of the awards committee which has spent the last month or more pouring over race results and the myriad of other accomplishments of the year.