Flyer Web Site
Be sure to visit the NY Flyers award winning web site.
This issue's columns are especially full. Not only do Glen Wiener, the new president, and Richard Garland, the new editor have their say, but Francine Alfandary has put together a great FootNotes column with the comings and goings of various Flyers. And we have not one, but two Coach's Corner Columns — from Coach Toby, who talks about training issues from cold weather, to cross-training, and on to getting older, and from Coach Joe, who speaks of the whys, and wherefores of periodic speed workouts. Finally Papa Bear, AKA the Editor, gives some light-hearted advice for running month by month throughout the year.
President's Message
From the Editor
Coach's Corner: Toby Tanser
Coach's Corner: Joe Yates
Advice from Papa Bear
The Awards Gala - The Snowflake Ball
The Awards Gala - The Snowflake Ball
On Saturday night, January 30th, The Flyers held its annual Awards Gala with close to 200 Flyers and friends attending. I think we can agree that it was one of the most awesome and enjoyable of all the awards dinners we have held over 20 years.

Amy Mills, 7 time chair of the planning committee, tells of nearly 6 months of preparation for this annual event. We owe Amy and all of the several teams who worked on this event a big debt of gratitude. More than you ever knew!

Amy's report is followed by a 3 part photo essay — each part consisting of one or more slide shows with an accompanying narrative. Bob Cowin, photographer extraordinaire, is responsible for most of these photos. The parts are Cocktail Hour: getting warmed up and looking pretty. Awards Presen­tation: featuring the winners in both running attire and evening attire, together with the citations. And Dancing and More: scenes of the group waiting for the music to start, dancing like never before and taking a break.

The final offering in this section is Quotable Quotes: a collection of feelings and recollections of some of the members who helped put the Gala together, accompanied by a little slideshow magic.
Behind the Scenes — The Creation of the Awards Gala
Gala Photo Essay Part 1 — Cocktail Hour
Gala Photo Essay Part 2 — The Awards Presentation
Gala Photo Essay Part 3 — Dancing and More
Quotable Quotes — What we heard and how we felt
Flyer Blog
Check the latest happenings on the NY Flyers blog.
Meet The Flyers
In this section, we learn a little about the non-running lives of some of our members. There's all kinds of tidbits about the New Board. And Dave Kleckner is not only an up-and-coming runner, but a dedicated volun­teer with a fantastic family — and a funny man. In Toby's thought­ful account of his years working in Kenya, we learn of the good times and the tough times, but most of all we find real ded­ication and hope for the future.
Meet The New Board
Focus on Dave Kleckner
Toby Tanser in Kenya
Beyond Central Park
Ever get tired of the same old, same old? Maybe you need to find a new distance or just go someplace new. That's what this new section, Beyond Central Park is all about.

Scott Martin takes us on a personal journey from road running to trail running to ultra running. Meanwhile back in Manhattan, Papa Bear leads a run up the west side of Manhattan with beautiful views along the way. And finally Susan Snyder finds great fun in the north country with snowshoe racing.
From Trail Running to Ultras
The West Side Run
Snowshoe Racing