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Spring Awakening

Spring 2021 is here. The Cherry Blossoms and Magnolias are blooming in our favorite parks. The weather has warmed and the days are lengthening. In New York City, more and more people are venturing out in the world, well on their way (if not there already) to full vaccination status, and feeling more hope than they have in over a year.

Last year was a challenge (understatement). I'm sure we all recall the day the city - and soon the country- would shut down, and that growing sense that this "Covid-19 thing" was not going to be a quick sprint, but a long marathon and I would have to dig deep and find the mental reserves to get through the fear and uncertainty. I have not yet run a marathon- last year's NYC Marathon would have been my first. Nonetheless, I knew about "the wall" at mile 20, and that grueling, "make it or break it" uphill section of 5th Avenue close to the finish. I had a hunch the same kind of mental and physical fatigue might set in for me as the days turned into months -- that I might start off quarantine with my typical "rah-rah-glass half full-pompom cheering-I can get through anything" positivity, and end up hiding under the covers with some old friends: Ben & Jerry, pretzels and tequila. I am happy to report that I did not hide under the covers. I am, however, now quite familiar with some new ice cream flavors.  

Nonetheless, although I did lose some fitness and gain some weight, and I did struggle with anxiety and depression, and I did take a pause in my running for a bit, and I did have days when I wanted to hide under the covers rather than get on another Zoom call, somehow, I pushed through to today.  Running had taught me how and this team showed me the way when I got lost. 

Today I feel like I made it through that "wall" and I am back out there moving my body, running, rebuilding, reconnecting, re-imagining what running can be for me and others. This Spring, I am awakening.

I would love to hear about your experience this past year, and how running and/or the team made a difference for you. We are getting our blog page ready to go and want to hear your thoughts. As races begin more frequently, we'd love to get race recaps, personal experiences, tips and tricks, and more. Contact us at

Welcome to Spring 2021. I can't wait to hear from you, blog with you, and run together soon.....Diana, Member-At-Large,