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Friends and Food

Guy S

Our fun filled Flyers Friends and Food gatherings date back to June of 2017 following the NYRR Mini 10K. Flyer Frank Annino invited me along with others for a Post-Race beverage 🍺 (side note: I miss Frank!). 

Flyer Debi Unger and I were brainstorming 🤔 💡ideas for getting a Flyers Friday Happy Hour 🍸 off the ground.   I don't recall  how the conversation started but I believe Flyer Beth Brennan was behind it all!

Our first meet up in 2017!

Every great idea needs a brand. Through sheer marketing genius 🧠, Frequent Flyers Breakfast Club was born.  The concept was simple.  Flyers could log their Happy Hour 🍹🧉🍻 and Breakfast 🥞 🍳attendance and after a certain amount, the club would buy them a free lunch, or a glass of wine 🍷. The challenge was to convince the Executive Board to spend the money on pancakes instead of GU gels for long runs.  🎶 I fought the law and the GU won 🎶(Sorry, silly joke 🙃)

Holiday Windows Run 2021

Though Happy Hour attendance dwindled, the Post-Race Brunches remained consistent. During the early gatherings, we bounced around to different venues.  When we landed at The Boathouse , we started to gain momentum while attracting larger groups. (Side note: just in case you didn't hear the news, the Boathouse will return in June and we’ll be back on the patio!).  We'll return for pancakes and Arnold Palmers before we know it! 🎉

We try and meet up after most races and after holiday runs.  Flyers also have been socializing for many years on the third Thursday of the month after the Thursday TNF 6:30pm Run .  You can find some of us at All Star Bar and Grill on 57th Street at 8pm on most Thursdays (and some Wednesdays, and Tuesdays, too!).

So, if you're looking to meet up with Friends and Food please join us for some schmoozing and laughs!

Bronx 2022

Come to think of it, how about a song?🎶

My next open mic 🎤 performance is on Tuesday April 4th at Bunnii Cafe in Inwood.  More performances will be announced on my Facebook Page as well as on Instagram (IG Handle: Guyrone).

Hope to see you soon!

-Guy Simoneau