Blog Managers' Note: This year is the Flyer's 35th Anniversary ✨as a running club in NYC. In honoring our long history, this is the next in a series of posts featuring excerpts from Flyers newsletters dating back to 1992.
For prior posts under this category, please click HERE.The article below first appeared in the Flyers newsletter that was published in December of 1992. This President's Letter was written by then President Jerry Flower and it provides a great sense of the inclusiveness, participatory structure, plans and goals of the Flyers during the early years of the club. To read the entire newsletter from which this article appeared, you'll need your Flyers password when you click HERE. -Flyers Blog Managers, Dave Kleckner/Melissa Slobin, 2024
By Jerry Flower, 1992
As we look toward 1993, I would like to share with you some of the decisions and plans agreed on by the Executive Committee to guide the Flyers during the next year. General meetings will be quarterly, scheduled in advance for the entire year. Each meeting will feature a program or speaker on a subject of general interest to runners and multi-sport athletes. Gordon Bloch will highlight the January 11 meeting in her talk on cross-training. I would welcome your ideas for future programs (specific topics, speakers, videos, films, etc.). Executive Committee meetings will be monthly, scheduled 3 months in advance for the convenience of all Flyers who would like to attend. The next dates are December 17 and January 4.
There will be 6 Standing Committees and 1 Special Committee to plan and carry out Flyer activities. Each officer will be a permanent member of a committee with responsibility for recruiting other members. Committees should meet prior to the January 11 meeting to generate ideas and formulate 1993 goals.
If you would be interested in working on a committee, contact the following people:
Membership Committee Gordon Loh
Social Committee Sabina McGarrahan
Finance Committee Jonathan Federman
Publications Committee Richard Garland
Sponsorship Committee Laura Leale, Frank Fitts, Jerry Flower
Volunteer Services Committee Mike Mantel, Jerry Flower
Awards Dinner Committee Judy Morrill, Frank Grazioli
We want to continue to encourage member participation on Flyer running and multi-sport teams. Team captains play a key role in setting race priorities, maintaining race calendars, generating interest, and coordinating the logistics associated with races. The following people have agreed to be team captains for 1993:
Men's Running Eric Gibbs
Women's Running Sabina McGarrahan
Men's Masters Running David Mark Brown
Women's Masters Running Kathleen Nitscheim
Multi-sport Teams To Be Named
(A meeting of Flyers interested in multi-sports will be held in January to discuss 1993 multi-sport events and priorities. A captain will be chosen then.)
As the Flyers expand (nearly 200 by year-end), we want to communicate in a consistent way who we are, what we stand for, what makes us unique, and what benefits we receive as members. A Flyer Fact Sheet has been prepared for this purpose. You will soon receive a copy along with a revised Membership Application. Feel free to make copies for friends or acquaintances who might like to join the Flyers, or ask Membership for a supply. The Fact Sheet will be updated during the year, so let me have your comments, suggestions and ideas for improvement.
On behalf of the officers, I would like to extend our warmest holiday greetings to all of you, and to wish everyone a healthy and successful New Year.
Jerry Flower
Reposted with modified format and graphics by Flyers Blog Managers, Dave Kleckner/Melissa Slobin, 2024