February opened with the NYCRUNS Frozen Penguin 5K and 10K. In the 5K, Jeff Zimmerman brought the team in with a sixth place finish in the men's 40-49 age group in 24:07 (7:47 pace). Peter Lewy placed second in the men's 60-69 age group in 26:14 (8:28 pace), and Joseph Hill captured seventh in the men's 50-59 age group in 27:18 (8:49 pace), and Jodie Fischer placed sixteenth in the women's 50-59 age group in 32:59 (10:39 pace).
In the 10K, Kristel Mckanna and Guy Simoneau represented for the Flyers. Kristel scored third placein the women's 40-49 age group in 47:44 (7:42 pace), and Guy won the men's 60-69 age group in 52:21 (8:27 pace).