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Getting in Gear with Flyers Gear

Lisa Konorty


When I was 4 years old, I would run circles around the outside of my house in North Minneapolis singing “Born Free.” 🎵 

I loved running and singing.  I joined my school choir in 3rd grade and quickly discovered that I was completely tone deaf so I gave up the singing dreams.  Instead, I joined my school track team in 6th grade and have not stopped running. 

I am on my 47th consecutive year of running and still love it 💕  I ran on my high school and college teams and then I ran solo for more than 30 years until I joined the NY Flyers in 2019 (best darn running group ever!).  

MN State Championship Cross Country - Team finished 1st in State! 🥇


During one of my first Flyers group runs in 2019, the Flyers Apparel Coordinator at that time said she was ready to retire from the position, so I volunteered to take on the job. I have worked in the retail/apparel sector my entire adult life so my work experience made it an easy decision to volunteer as the Flyers Apparel Coordinator. 

The Apparel Coordinator has quite a few responsibilities including to:

  • Set the Flyers team store schedule
  • Work with New Balance to maintain a product assortment
  • Update logos/designs
  • Add new product to the line
  • Source non-apparel items (running hats, beanies, buffs, etc.) 
  • Promote the Flyers Team Store openings for Flyers gear sales on Flyers Facebook and Instagram
  • Provide updates for the Flyers website for the Team Store as warranted. 


The Flyers Team Store is open 3 times per year for a period of two weeks.   During the open period, active members can order New Balance Flyer apparel directly via the Flyers website. Additionally, there is usually one non-apparel item offered to Flyers one to two times per year -- in the three years that I have been the coordinator I have sourced the Flyers BuffFlyers Face MaskFlyers Running Cap and the newly released Flyers Beanie.


The New Balance Flyers Team Store is online, and active team members are allowed access to order Flyers apparel while the non-apparel items (buffs, face masks, hats, etc.) are sold at Flyers events and gatherings throughout the year. 

Flyers must sign in with their member login and password to access the Team Store.  The Team Store will next be open from Dec 14th - Dec 28th!



It’s a fact, we all run faster and smile more when running in Flyers gear!  


Q: Why is New Balance the provider of Flyers team apparel?

A: The Flyers have worked with other suppliers over the years, and we've been sticking with New Balance because of quality, reliability, and most important the ease of setting up a supplier-managed shop, rather than managed by the Flyers.

Fun fact:  there were prior years when everyone needed to schlep out to pick up their orders stored at individual running stores -- or even at the home of the Flyers 2013 VP Michael Rabin -- and other arrangements that were far from ideal!

Sadly, Michael Rabin was Forced to Flee His UWS Home in 2013

When Overrun By Flyers Gear and Invading Flyers 😢

Q:  Why is the Flyers Team Store open just 3 times per year for two weeks, and not more often or year-round?

A:  The limited Team Store purchasing windows are because for New Balance it's not profitable to allow sales more frequently or year-round, and so they don't allow it.

Q:  Are there new items soon to be available for Flyers? 

A:  New products are offered when New Balance adds or expands their assortment.  They just added the track jacket, modeled here by Flyer Deb Saat -- it's a winner!

Q:  Why aren't the singlets mailed directly to each Flyer?

A:  The singlets are made in South America and the factory isn't equipped to ship to individual buyers.  The other products are stored in bulk in the USA, customized here with logos, and can be shipped out directly to individuals.  

Q:  When will the Flyers Team Store next be open?

A:  December 14th - December 28th, 2022

- Lisa Konorty