It was a perfect sunny morning for the 34 Flyers who came out to run in Central Park today (while others opted to run in the NYCRuns Brooklyn races). The second club points race of the season is in the books - and what a glorious race it was for our team!
Two sexagenarians led the team, Francesco Presutti in 25:10 (1stAG, age-graded percentage of 82.83%) and John Whitfield in 25:35 (2ndAG, 82.23%). Tomohiro Inoue took the team's third place finish in 27:37.
Francesco's result broke the Flyers' Hall of Fame record of 25:35 for the 4-Mile distance, which John had just broken himself on April 3 of this year -- please note that this morning, John repeated that fast time to the second! The previous Hall of Fame record for this distance belonged to Andreas Werder, who ran 4 miles in 27:06 back in November 2014. Andreas's record lasted 7.5 years! We should also report that John recently set two other Flyers Hall of Fame all-time records: 1) in the 5K distance on February 6 (20:00, improving on Gary Smeal's record of 20:17, set in July 2011), and 2) in the 10K on March 6 (42:03, down from Gary's 42:53 set in March 2011). Both of Gary's records lasted more than 10 years! You can have a look at the complete list of Flyers Hall of Fame records here: https://nyflyers.org/hall-of-fame/
For the women's team, Jaclyn Sweeney took first place in 29:32. Lisa Konorty (30:55, 6thAG, 77.32%) came second and Jillian Hobson (31:02) was third. Not to be shown up by the men's team, two women were on the podium: Frances Breslauer (40:41, 1stAG, 81.23%) and Jeanine Hartnett (41:16, 3rdAG).
And, because this was a points race, here is more exciting news!
The 60+ men's team came FIRST in 1:20:01, thanks to the combined results of Francesco, John and Andreas (29:16, 5thAG, 75.93%). The team moved up from third to second in the club standings, with only 2 points separating us from first place.
The 60+ women's team came in SECOND in 1:44:10, thanks to the combined results of Deborah Saat (34:10, 5thAG, 74.28%), Nina Zoe Parks-Taylor (34:44, 6thAG, 72.37%) and Elaine Rosen (35:10, 7thAG, 71.46%). The team kept its second place position in the club standings, now ex aequo with another club.
The 70+ women's team came SECOND in 2:10:13, thanks to the combined results of Frances, Jeanine and Mindi Adler (48:16, 8th AG). The team kept its second place position in the club standings.
This promises to be an exciting season for all three teams!
Kudos also to:
- Delton Mace (7thAG)
- Neil Tipograph (8thAG, 72.03%) and
- Hindy Schachter (8thAG).
The team's full results can be found here: https://results.nyrr.org/event/22RBCKids/teams/NYF.
Finally, whether you were mentioned in this race report or not, congratulations to all of you runners of our great team who were out today!
-Francesco P, NY Flyers Blog Race Reporter