Flyers Blog!

The Flyers Blog is up and running at full speed!  Stay tuned to enjoy posts featuring Flyers adventures, events, new members, race recaps, news, advice, humor and more!

See the newest Flyers Blog posts below.  Or search our archives by author or category on the old Flyer Blog site -- there are hundreds of posts, including:

  • Stories from back in the early days of Flyers History by co-founder Jonathan Buck and others.
  • Twenty different Long Training Run Routes -- many with maps and other details thanks to Richard G (a.k.a. Papa Bear).
  • And much much more. For the older Flyers Blog site, just click Here.

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Photo collage of New York Flyers members wearing club apparel.

Latest Posts

Race Report: Queens 10K

It’s flat, it’s fast, it’s a club points race: it’s the Queens 10K!  Add to that today’s glorious weather conditions (rather unusual for this time of year), and you’ll get a good picture

Dynamic Duo: Fun with the Feldmans

Separate and TogetherNeither of us were runners until 10 years ago.  Our running origins overlap, but are not the same.  Today, we generally run similar days/times, but rarely together given

Race Report: Brooklyn Half Marathon

We’ve waited for 3 years, and the Brooklyn Half, a race that was cool even before Brooklyn was cool (well, probably a little less cool today) was finally back live this morning! 125 Flyers were
